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"I had my colors done in numerous systems. John Kitchener's palette for me was amazing! He brought all the aspects that worked together into a cohesive whole and I will be forever grateful to him for that!"

                      Dory Zimmerman,                           South Carolina

   (host of "Dory's Helpful Hints"                               on YouTube)



"This service by John Kitchener is unrivaled by anyone else. This is truly a work of not only skill and talent, but of art. You will forever be happy you met John Kitchener."

                  Cathie Carter Soutis,



"The shopping fan is a huge relief and to shop with confidence for once." 

                       Karac Howington,

                         Chattanooga, TN

In 1964 our company invented and introduced the personal color shopping fan made from your large fabric swatches. Most clients prefer to initially shop with the large samples from their analysis. However, if you wish to go more compact, a portable fan may be ordered at the time of your analysis or any time after. The compact shopping fan's additional cost is $150.

An amazing service for men and women

now in a very popular highly acknowledged virtual format


No limited pre-packaged seasons or types.

No paint samples or printed cards (ALL fabric). 

Everything is entirely customized to you.


Custom Color Analysis portion includes:

A full spectrum palette of 100 large-sized swatches 

Color combining guidelines

Color psychology guidelines (which colors are powerful, calm, elegant, romantic, etc.)


Style Essences Analysis portion with colors includes:

Detailed information of your unique blend of Style Essences

Your Essences are based on the multiple blend of visual elements found in both your face and body combined

Detailed illustrations of necklines, prints, etc.

A detailed textures analysis

Valuable commentaries on 20 outfits in photos you submit

Video Resources always available for review on YouTube

A portable notebook housing your palette and guidelines

This complete package of colors and essences is mailed to you anywhere in the world.


The virtual analysis is done from digital photos with specific sunlight lighting requirements then analyzed on the finest MacBookPro computer monitor which can read millions of colors for guaranteed accurate results

For details please email John Kitchener at


Special pricing extended to June 30, 2025:


The Virtual Custom Color Analysis $400 (regularly $750)


Both Virtual Custom Color Analysis with Style Essences are

$850 (regularly $1500)


The Virtual Style Essences Analysis ($450)

is a second-step after the Virtual Custom Color Analysis

and is not done without the Virtual Custom Color Analysis

by John Kitchener first.


Scheduling a Consultation with John Kitchener

The bookings calendar in this website is not operational.

All scheduling is done by email:

All payments are done through emailed invoices.


For a live in-person analysis in Berkeley California 

with Hella Tsaconas

please contact Hella Tsaconas at her email: 

Pricing and services may be different in California. 



All fees and deposits for all services

including gift certificates are non-refundable.

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